I take a couple of spoonfuls every morning.That Good
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Our philosophy has always been to offer the best, most complete product, with standard quality and rejecting elements that could prove toxic. To this end, we use plants originating from Natural Parks or ecological farms, as well as elements of a marine or mineral origin.
In order to achieve this, we have brought together a team of professionals which includes doctors, pharmacists, biologists, chemists, naturopaths, an agronomical engineer and others who are experts in Medicinal Plants. We also have agreements with universities to assist us not only with research but also with training.
Our products are made in Spain, Mexico and Malaysia and are sold in Europe, the Americas and Asia by our own staff or through distributors.
We have modern equipment in all our laboratories made from standardised material that complies with G.P.M. norms and control elements that enable us to evaluate the richness of each of our products. We also produce many of our raw materials ourselves.
Our project is to offer the consumer products that bear the guarantee of Security, Efficiency and Quality demanded by the WHO in their 2002- 2005 strategy regarding traditional medicine. We therefore feel confident that you will trust fully in our products and that this sector will achieve greater recognition.
Results may vary from person to person. Customer reviews are independent and do not represent the views of Carethy.
I take a couple of spoonfuls every morning.That Good
For infectious processes it is very good, I always buy it for myself and my family.
Powerful antioxidant I recommend is very good. That good
Inhibe las enfermedades degenerativas, excelente producto por poco dinero.
Favorece la formacion de anticuerpos, ideal para resfriados!.
Indicado para resfriados e alergias e realmente funciona.
Fabelhafter Cocktail aus Vitaminen, perfekt für das Immunsystem.
Fortalece los vasos sanguineos y el tejido conectivo a demas de fortalecer el sistema inmunulogico.
Excelente serviço, chego muito rápido e em perfeitas condições
Ayuda a recuperar los tejidos dañados, volvere a comprarlo.
He tenido problema con la hemoglobina y la anemia, me ha venido de maravilla.
Cuando tengo gripe lo tomo y esto me ayuda a recuperarme.
Ein ausgezeichnetes Produkt, das ich seit einigen Jahren nehme und bei dem Erkältungen milder sind.
Investigando un poco aprendi que tambien funciona para el insomnio una razon mas para comprarlo.
Para el colon irritable tambien funciona muy bien, me he sentido mucho mejor.
Aumenta el riego sanguinieo fortaleciendo el los globulos rojos.
Aumenta il flusso sanguigno mentre protegge i globuli rossi
Inhibe las enfermedades degenerativas, es un excelente producto para el organismo.
Rianimentare i tessuti danneggiati, lo riacquisto.
gute Vorbereitung des Immunsystems auf Kälte und zu einem sehr günstigen Preis
Para la bronquitis me ha funcionado de maravilla, fortalece mi sistema inmunologico.
Indicado para el sistema inmunitario y fortalecer las defensas del organismo.
Il augmente le nombre de globules blancs, protège nos organismes.
Inibe doenças degenerativas, o produto chegou em boas condições.
Fournit des éléments virucides, bactéricides et fongicides qui aident à combattre la présence de corps étrangers.
Resfriados mas suaves tomando este jarabe milagroso, es maravilloso.
Fortalece inmediatamente el sistema inmunitario, me va muy bien.
Renforce le système immunitaire pour un prix très bas
Para los problemas circulatorios va de maravilla...
Estimula la formacion de globulos rojos, me viene muy bien lo tomo cuando tengo resfriados.
Activa el sistema inmunitario, es muy bueno, realmente funciona.
Fomenta la formacion de globulos blancos para que nos defiendan de las enfermedades
Arrivo in tempo record, prodotto molto buono non mi ha deluso.