Vital Ballance VIGOREX is prepared based compound dry fenugreek, Andean maca, tribulus, and L-arginine.
Fenugreek has properties related to male sexual potency due to steroidal saponins.
These perform functions similar to those of testosterone with the benefits that this hormone produces on the man: increased libido, sexual potency and decreasing body fat percentage.
Andean Maca is a plant traditionally associated with stimulating properties and is recommended for men who want to increase their vigor and vitality.
In addition, treatment with maca is effective to improve semen parameters, including the number and mobility of sperm. VIGOREX contains natural Maca provides appropriate levels of macamides and macaenes, alkaloids attributed to pro-sexual action of maca.
All this makes VIGOREX complement the best ally against the decay and lack of sexual appetite, especially in males.
Dosage: We recommend taking 2 capsules with food intake, ideally in the morning.