Rosemary is a plant that grows in abundance in the Mediterranean area. It is a medicinal plant frequently mentioned for its numerous therapeutic properties. It was a revered plant and even magical properties have been attributed to it. He was not missing from any party, wedding, ritual or funeral. The bride and groom wore crowns of rosemary as a symbol of love and fidelity. Sprigs of rosemary were also used to ward off evil spirits and nightmares. The Egyptians placed rosemary in the tomb of the pharaohs to strengthen the soul. It is a plant known to stimulate memory.
Facial toner for oily skin, since both hydrosols have astringent properties, ideal for removing excess oil from the skin, which will help you achieve clean skin, with a matte effect and whose makeup will last much longer. Hair lotion for stop hair loss, since both strengthen the roots of the hair, improving the condition of the capillary vessels, to prevent hair loss and increase its growth. In addition, rosemary is known for its multiple benefits on the hair, as it helps to:Prevent the appearance of gray hair.Improves the condition of the fork.Gives volume and shine to the hair.Activates blood circulation, ideal for improving the condition of tired legs, with varicose veins and fluid retention.